
Showing posts from May, 2024

Copy right not Copy wrong

Ironically, I would just be asked this week from a co-worker... "I really like that free and online training but it's hard to access it, can't we just copy it all and make our own?"   Shocked that this person would even think this would be OK to do, I gave him a weird facial expression, and then asked him what he knew copyright and fair use laws. In his mind, he only thought it was in regard to pictures and audio.   And then at that time, I figure it would be wonderful teaching moment.  I started off by educating him on "Copyright" ... If my own words... "Dave, let's say you created an image of the Teton mountains. You own all rights to that image. No one can now copy or use that photo for their own gain. " Or in a more official description for my online readers... "A copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives the creator of an original work, or another right holder, the exclusive and legally secured right to copy, distribute,

Gaining more understanding to the Professional Learning Network

  Before the start of this class, I had never heard of a PLN.  Anxious to learn more about what this would be and how it will  be beneficial to  me in my college class, I dive into the five blog posts shared for week one.  While each blog post intrigued me, the blog I enjoyed reading the most was the "3 Steps for Building a Professional Network." I believe I enjoyed reading this one the most because I am an individual who enjoys connecting with outs to have  deep  enlightening conversations that help with self-growth. While I  normally  enjoy connecting with people face to face, over the last few  years  I have wanted to develop and improve on communication with others online, especially to understand and learn from more people in this world outside of those whom I work with.  Finding the people you want to connect with and grow from is crucial and step one in the blog post to building your professional network. This step is something that I realized is something I already do

Welcome to the KashMindset Blog

 Welcome to my blog! KashMindset Kashmindset you may wonder...      For a long time, I have always wanted to either create a blog or page that is geared towards keeping a positive mindset through easy or hard times. So, when I was tasked for a college course to create something, I figured why not make it for what I have always wanted to do. So, here we go...      A little about me: My name is Kashia Hale. Working Momma of 3 girls who is back to chasing her dreams in the career world. In 2020 I decided it was time to start pursuing my degree at Western Governors University in Business Management but after a small pause in 2022, I decided to transfer to Idaho State University to finish my degree.       Why am I here on Blogger? I am currently enrolled in Instructional Technology in Human Resources Development at Idaho State. Part of Week 1 course work is to create a blog post for the week that includes introductory post.        As this is my first week in the class, I am unsure of what w